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Why Business Owners Should Consider Ai In Their Marketing.

Let's look closer at Common Fears and Apprehensions. A response to business owners unsure of what and why AI has suddenly flooded the market and if its good or bad for entrepreneurs.

As the leader of a business community, I often survey my membership to make sure, everyone's voice is heard and understood. After my last survey, I felt it necessary to write this article. I believe it will add value to your business growth.

1. AI Helps, Not Replaces

It's common to worry that AI might replace human jobs, but in the world of solopreneurs, AI acts more as a support system than a replacement. Think of AI as a tool that helps refine your target audience—ensuring that your marketing efforts are more precise and efficient. This doesn't take away jobs but rather enhances your ability to reach the right people with less guesswork and wasted effort.

2. More developed communications with your audience

AI might seem impersonal at first, but it actually helps create more personalized interactions between you and your customers. By analyzing data on what your customers like and engage with, AI can help you craft messages that feel tailor-made. This level of personalization is hard to achieve on your own, especially as a solopreneur managing multiple roles.

3. AI Coach, plan and ask questions and get results written for you.

Some might fear that AI’s predictive capabilities are too controlling, but these tools are really about providing insights that help you make smarter business decisions. AI can forecast potential trends and customer behaviors, giving you a heads-up on what’s likely to happen next in your market. This isn't about AI taking over; it's about using AI as a guide to help you plan your strategies more effectively.

4. Customer service and help without the payroll.

Using AI chatbots might seem like it's cutting out human interaction, but for many solopreneurs, it's a way to extend their reach without stretching themselves too thin. Chatbots can handle basic inquiries and provide information 24/7, which means your business is always responsive, even when you’re focused on other tasks. This isn’t about replacing jobs but enhancing customer service.

5. Stay ahead of the game.

In competitive markets like London, using every tool available to stay ahead is crucial. AI is just another tool in your toolkit. It helps you understand and engage with your customers more deeply than traditional methods might allow. Embracing AI doesn't mean letting go of human touch in your business; it’s about integrating new technologies to work alongside your human-driven efforts. Embracing AI with Open Arms

Understanding and integrating AI doesn’t have to be overwhelming or threatening. At Great Business Platforms, we’re dedicated to helping solopreneurs like you see how AI can be a valuable ally in growing your business. If you’re curious about how AI can enhance your marketing without replacing the personal touch that your business is known for, reach out at Let’s explore together how AI can help you thrive without compromising the values important to you.

Sam Onigbanjo
Technologist, and Fellow Chartered Institute of Marketing

Sam Onigbanjo

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