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Business Advice Portree

Where to find business support organisations who help start-ups.

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Portree Business Support

Business adviser giving advice

Businesses in Portree are more likely to succeed if they seek and act upon the advice of a professional business adviser. This page should point you in the right direction.

"You don't know, what you don't know" is a great saying and so applicable to starting a business. There are so many considerations in the early stages that taking advice from an experienced business adviser will dramatically increase your chances of success.

See list of local business support organisations below.

Can you help start-ups in Portree?

If so, your logo, company details and link to your site could be here!

If you are based in in Portree or offer a product or service which could help existing local businesses and start-ups, we would love you to help you reach them. Our aim is to increase the chances of every new business's success by highlighting the help that is available in the area.

You are able to add a free listing or act as our recommended local partner for only £10 per year!

Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

Free startup guide

Start Your Own Business in Highland

Download the 2025 edition of our Free guide

An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered with links to useful articles and relevant contacts.

The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?

However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don't become one of them.

This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English and points to where you can find help and support.

More Information and instant download

Portree Business Advisors

Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Our vision is to make the Highlands and Islands a highly successful and competitive region where increasing numbers of people choose to live, work, study and invest.
Find Business Support in Scotland
We're here to help you find the business support you need. We have gathered together information and support for all company sizes and sectors across Scotland. What is This service was established to help Scottish businesses find the public sector support they need. Information is available for businesses of all sizes – from those thinking about starting a business to large, well established companies. This website is supported by an enquiries and referral service. You can contact us by submitting an enquiry or calling 0300 303 0660. Our lines are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Landline calls cost up to 10 pence per minute, mobile costs can vary from 3 pence per minute to 40 pence per minute depending on your operating provider (source: Why was this website created? This site intends to help Scottish businesses find the right information, advice and support at the right time. We will continue to add information and develop and the referral service. We aim to provide all businesses with quick and easy access to all business support services provided by public sector organisations in Scotland. Who runs This is a partnership service. It started as a collaboration between Business Gateway, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland. We will eventually include all organisations who receive public funding in Scotland. We currently include services from the following partners.
The National Library of Scotland
The National Library of Scotland is one of a number of organisations that are here to help you with your business. We can: Guide you through the COBRA resource. COBRA stands for Complete Business Reference Advisor, and it is an excellent way to find out the basics about running a business. You can even use this resource at home if you register with us, which is free to do and just takes a few minutes Introduce you to our other business information resources and explain what each one can offer, from company data and market size, to market research and trends analysis Guide you towards a very large collection of books and articles all about running a business, marketing and management, and innovation and entrepreneurship. Get in touch by emailing to find out more.
CREATE - Highlands & Islands Centre for Enterprise and Innovation
Whether it is just an idea, a small enterprise or still in its early stages, CREATE is geared up to support any new business start-up. The CREATE team houses entrepreneurial experience of starting up both businesses and charities and, with the added support of our Entrepreneurs in Residence; our legal partners, Harper Macleod; and accounting partners, Johnston Carmichael, we can provide the right support to help you turn an enterprising idea into a business.
Business Gateway Highland
Business Gateway Highland is your gateway to expert local business advice and practical guidance. We have business advisers based in offices all over the Highland area. 81 Castle Street, Inverness IV2 3EA. Tel: 01463 896 736
Scottish Development International
When setting up a business in Scotland, you need to register as a private limited company or a UK branch of your foreign company. Find the professional advice you need around taxes, legal and insurance requirements in Scotland.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is the economic and community development agency for the north and west of Scotland. Our purpose is to support regional development and increase the numbers of people who choose to live, work, study and invest here. We work in a diverse region which extends from Shetland to Argyll, and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray, covering more than half of Scotland’s land mass. We have offices across the region helping communities and businesses to develop and grow. An Lochran 10 Inverness Campus Inverness IV2 5NA Scotland
Starting a business: first steps has a section dedicated to starting a business which talks you through the first steps, stage by stage.
(+) - Starting a Business
Information on business planning, registering a company and starting a new business. Setting up - Find information on setting up a business in Scotland. Tax and registering - Find information about registering your business with HM Revenue & Customs and Companies House. Marketing your business - Information on marketing and sales for your business. Intellectual property - Find out what intellectual property is and how to protect it in the UK and abroad. Further help to start a business - Information on organisations or services that can help you start a business or help your staff learn new skills.
Help Starting a Business in Scotland
Everyone needs a bit of help starting a business. Even the Skyscanners and FanDuels of this world got some support on their way. Thankfully there is a wealth of support organisations in Scotland providing help and advice to entrepreneurs and business founders. TalentSpark look at some of the major players in the startup ecosystem and consider the services and programmes they provide. People are vital to the success of any business. TalentSpark was created to bring together the right people at the right time to support small businesses in Scotland grow.
We believe anyone looking to start or grow a business should have access to support. At the heart of Scotland’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, we can support you. Working across Scotland, our belief is that anyone looking to start or grow a business should have access to all the support they need to make it a success.
Why Companies Choose Scotland
Companies from all around the globe have chosen Scotland as their new home because of the incredible opportunities on offer. Find out first-hand from them why they chose Scotland, and why you should too. To help achieve new successes for Scotland, the Scottish Government, VisitScotland, Scottish Development International (the international arm of Scottish Enterprise) and Universities Scotland have come together to form Brand Scotland - an exciting new identity for Scotland. Through the Scotland is Now campaign, the Brand Scotland team will tell the authentic story of Scotland as a bold and positive country, rich in history and heritage but forging forward in a way that is progressive, pioneering and inclusive. We’re waking the world up to the fact that Scotland is a country that is challenging new thinking, inviting new investment, creating new opportunities, supporting new industry and driving technology that embraces humanity around the globe. Please join us and get involved.
Young Enterprise Scotland
Young Enterprise Scotland (YES) is a registered charity that has been working to inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise in Scotland for over 25 years. YES is a licensee of Young Enterprise (YE) and the YES history is proudly linked with Junior Achievement Worldwide with YES achieving independent Scottish Charity status in 1992. Our Vision is for Scotland to be a place where all young people are given the opportunity to have a rewarding future in work and life - no matter where they start their journey. Our Mission is to inspire & equip all young people to learn, develop and reach their full potential through enterprise.
The Highland Council
Business Gateway (external link) helps new and existing businesses grow and prosper through a combination of one-to-one support, local workshops, and specialist advice. All services are free of charge. A core team of business advisers, supported by industry specialist advisers, can help with: - Starting your business (external link) - Growing your business (external link) - Taking on staff (external link) - Accessing finance - Winning contracts (external link) - Resources (external link) - Graduate placement programme Your local Business Gateway office is your one stop shop for all small and medium sized businesses to access advice and support. Business Gateway is a national business support service developed in partnership with local authorities. It is delivered in the Highlands by The Highland Council.
Starting a Small Business in Scotland
The steps it takes to become a small business owner in Scotland Before you get into business, there are a few important things to know about starting a small business in Scotland: Is starting a small business in Scotland right for you? Do you have the tools and the resources to start your small business? Do you have the funding your small business in Scotland will need? What are the next steps to help you startup? Do you need help getting your business started? As a small business entrepreneur you have a lot of step to go though. UK Startups is here to help you each step of the way. Not only do we guide you step by step, but we help you startup, assist you with your business plan, help you find funding programmes that can get you funding for your Scotland business. And more.
Scotland - Support and Funding
If youre considering doing business with Scotland or youre thinking about expanding your company in a new location, Scottish Development International (SDI) is here to help. SDI is the international arm of Scotlands enterprise agencies. Our network of global offices is staffed by industry experts dedicated to helping you make the most of all the opportunities Scotland has to offer.
Business Gateway
Starting a business - you may be planning to start a business or perhaps you’ve already begun. Find advice on the essentials, from writing a business plan to intellectual property on the Business Gateway website. It has a section dedicated to business start-up and this includes the opportunity to download your business plan template and guidance on: starting up a business, business support and advice, forming a company or business, intellectual property, naming a business, buying a business or franchise, Create business plan.
Scottish Enterprise - Starting a Business?
Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. To deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy, we work with partners in the public and private sectors to find and exploit the best opportunities. We support thousands of companies the length and breadth of Scotland, helping catalyse the changes in our economy that will have a long-term positive impact on Scotland's business competitiveness around the world. In doing so, we're creating significantly more, better jobs, helping people fulfil their potential. Starting a business? It can be both exhilarating and challenging getting your business off the ground. Having the confidence to take that next step is often all that’s needed. Access funding, a free business plan template, and guidance on legal requirements.
Aberdeen Guarantees
Elevator is one of Scotland’s leading social enterprises dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs, start-ups and high growth businesses. Elevator works across Aberdeen City and Shire and Tayside to help facilitate the start-up and growth of new and existing businesses. Team Elevator currently engages with over 3,500 start-up businesses and assists around 1,800 organisations to grow annually with advisory support. With the launch of its Centre for Entrepreneurship in Bridge of Don, Elevator aims to support an additional 200 start-ups per year through stimulating interests in launching and growing businesses, as well as welcoming global talent onto the Elevator Accelerator Programme accelerating businesses. Elevator will launch a second Centre for Entrepreneurship with Accelerator Programme in Dundee in late 2016. Elevator supports the entrepreneurs, business leaders and employees of today and tomorrow by providing expert business advice, teaching entrepreneurship and enterprising behaviour.
Help for Start-Ups - Business Gateway
If you run a start-up business as an entrepreneur, there is a variety of help for start-ups available, and there may be extra support you can access if you come under certain categories. Much of this help takes the form of mentoring and networking - but you should also be able to access targeted advice, support and even apply for loans and grants. This guide will help explain about the sources of funding that might be available to you and where to get help, advice and training.
Enterprising Highland - Business support
The region's highly experienced and knowledgeable business support agencies can provide help and advice on a wide range of business support related issues and matters.
Highlands and Islands Social Enterprise Zone
f you’re a social enterprise there are lots of people and places you can go to for help – so many, in fact, that it can all start to get a bit confusing. The HISEZ website contains a quick and simple guide to who’s who, what they do and the kind of support they give.
Setting up a social enterprise contains a really useful section if you are thinking about setting up a social enterprise. It explains the various business structures and has links to many other related resources.
The Highland Council
The Highland Council website includes dedicated pages covering: Help for your business, Trading standards, Business rates, Food safety, Health & safety, Economic development, Advice for contractors, Contract opportunities and their property work register.

Local help for startups

There is plenty of help for startups in Portree but where can it be found?

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