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Local Partners Wanted

Become a Local Partner

If you are keen to help start-ups, we would like to offer you MAXIMUM COVERAGE as our MAIN SPONSOR and RECOMMENDED LOCAL PARTNER for only £10.00.

Possibly the most attractive part of this package is that you will be notified when anyone from the area registers on the site and have the right to let them know about your services.

SYOB has proved to be extremely popular with start-ups, ranks well in local Google searches for relevant keywords, and is therefore well placed to help you reach this potentially attractive market.


The only cost will be a one-off payment of £10 per YEAR.

This will entitle you to:

  • Maximum coverage on the relevant classified page for your local area
  • Promotion as MAIN SPONSOR on the local 'home' page
  • Your logo and link on every local page
  • Exclusive offer - only one partner per classification per area
  • Your information will appear immediately and will prevent your competitors from taking the slot.

The total cost will be a payment of £10 per location per YEAR. There is nothing else to pay but it will be possible to update your information.

Click the button below if you would like to snap up this opportunity!

We will then confirm that your coverage is live and send you a receipt for your payment.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss this in more detail or if you have any questions, you can contact Andy by e-mail at:
or call on
07817 065694