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Claim Your Local Business Listings

f you run a local business, that is, a business that targets local prospects, it's extremely important to claim your business listing on the 3 major search engines, Google+ Local / Google Places, Yahoo Local and Bing Local.

Claiming your business on these search engines greatly increases your chances of being found online through local search. Or in other words, when a local consumer searches for your products or services. Local SEO if done correctly is a cost effective strategy for growing many types of local businesses. From builders to chiropractors.

Here is a quick break down on how to go about claiming your listing on each one.

Google Places aka Google+ Local

Claiming your Google Places listing (Google Maps listing) can still be done via the Google Places portal. Since the launch of Google+ Local many people have been wondering if you need to create a Google Places listing through Google+. This one takes the longest out of the 3 since you will need to go through the postcard verification process.

For now you can still submit your site the normal way through the Google Places portal but this may change in the near future.

Yahoo Local UK

Yahoos local listings are driven by a 3rd party called Infoserve. To get your site listed on Yahoo Local simply visit the Infoserve local business listing form and submit your business details. The whole process takes around 5 minutes.

Yahoo Local does not attract anywhere near the same amount of traffic as Google, but it is worth making sure your claim your business on there anyway.

Bing Local UK

Similar to Yahoo Local, Bing Local manages their local business listings through a 3rd party company called My 118 Information who are a primary source for directory enquiry and web directory information. The process of claiming your Bing Local listing is quick and easy.

To set up your Bing Local UK listing you start by searching for your business on My 118.

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