Whether you are thinking about starting a business in Portland or you are already successfully trading, we would strongly advise you to consider finding a business mentor.
Even the most succesful business people recognise that they do not know everything and that an impartial outside perspective can be invaluable. Unlike working for a company, as an entrepreneur, you do not have a boss to turn to or to ask for a second opinion. A good mentor will learn about you, your business, your strengths and weaknesses. This combined with their own wisdom and experience, will provide you with an ongoing support mechanism.
The Dorset Business Mentoring programme (Dormen) recognises that running your own business has its challenges whether you are a sole trader or employ up to 200 people.
Established in 2005 Dormen is one of the UK’s most established mentoring programmes, providing business owners and entrepreneurs across Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth with one-to-one mentoring support, skills workshops, and a mutually supportive community.
Our team of over 100 mentors have supported over 1400 businesses to date. We serve about 160 clients at any one time on a renewable annual basis, providing high quality, professional and confidential support through any stage of your business journey.
If you are just about to set up your business, you are best to reach out for a mentor once you have established trading for about six months. Working with a mentor then enables you to review your aims and strategy, to discuss how things are going and any issues arising. Your mentor will act as an objective sounding board for your ideas and help you develop the skills you and your business need to achieve your measure of success.
Mentoring is universally relevant to all types of business and helps reduce risk while increasing successful outcomes. As you start your business you may want to bear in mind a compelling statement borne of research by the Federation of Small Businesses: 70% of mentored businesses are twice as likely to survive their first five years as un-mentored businesses, and all businesses are more likely to thrive and grow.
In addition independent research by the Winchester Business School, focussing on the impact of the Dormen programme, clearly demonstrated the benefits to businesses and their owners – particularly in terms of helping them to focus on priorities, review business strategy and pursue their plans with greater confidence. More than half the businesses surveyed improved their sales by 21.57% over the year.
What does it cost?
Dormen is a not-for-profit programme, funded by local authority partners. In consequence our service is accessible to all business owners as we only charge a nominal administration fee of £200 for a full year of mentoring. We also provide regular skills courses exclusively for clients free of charge. So reaching out for a Dormen mentor represents the opportunity for astounding return on investment, as well as sleep filled nights.
We welcome all enquiries by phone, and also encourage you to look at our website which includes FAQ’s and a variety of case studies. If you would like to apply for a mentor please fill out the form in this link: http:www.dormen.org.ukwant-a-mentorrequest-a-mentor
We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.
Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.
Starting and running your own business is deeply personal but there are some questions which are asked more than others. Here are some of the most common mentoring queries that we have received over the years.
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An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered with links to useful articles and relevant contacts.
The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?
However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don't become one of them.
This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English and points to where you can find help and support.
More Information and instant downloadIf you would like some free friendly advice from a trusted local partner, please complete the form.
There will not be any pressure nor will you be under any obligation to buy paid services.
Alternatively you can contact Andy Pringle at andy@syob.net and he can help guide you with more information or suggest the best person to contact.
We are delighted to promote suitable businesses and organisations completely FREE of charge. Your coverage can contain: logo, company name, brief description, special offers, telephone number and link to your website.
There is plenty of help for startups in Portland but where can it be found?
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