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Business Directory - Free Listing North-Wales

List of local businesses who can help start-ups.

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North-Wales Business Category

North-Wales Directory

Girl reading a directory

If you offer a product or service that may be of help to new business start-ups in North-Wales, please do add a FREE directory listing (including a link back to your own site).

Our genuine aim is to help new business start-ups by highlighting the help that is available to them locally.

You can add your FREE listing below.

We have been helping start-ups in North-Wales since 2005.
Start Your Own Business in 2021
Free Resource
Download our free start-up guide

Packed with the information that you need to start or grow a business in North-Wales.

Can you help start-ups in North-Wales?

If so, your logo, company details and link to your site could be here!

If you are based in in North-Wales or offer a product or service which could help existing local businesses and start-ups, we would love you to help you reach them. Our aim is to increase the chances of every new business's success by highlighting the help that is available in the area.

You are able to add a free listing or act as our recommended local partner for only £10 per year!

Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

North-Wales Directory Listings

Business Wales
We provide business support to people starting, running and growing a business. Our support for business includes information, advice and guidance delivered online, over the phone through the Business Wales Helpline, and face to face through our Business Wales centres
Desktop Artists studio
Mobile Artists studio

FREE business listing in your area.

We are delighted to promote suitable businesses and organisations completely FREE of charge. Your coverage can contain: logo, company name, brief description, special offers, telephone number and link to your website.

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