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Business Advice South Gloucestershire

Where to find business support organisations who help start-ups.

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South Gloucestershire Business Support

Business adviser giving advice

Businesses in South Gloucestershire are more likely to succeed if they seek and act upon the advice of a professional business adviser. This page should point you in the right direction.

"You don't know, what you don't know" is a great saying and so applicable to starting a business. There are so many considerations in the early stages that taking advice from an experienced business adviser will dramatically increase your chances of success.

See list of local business support organisations below.

Can you help start-ups in South Gloucestershire?

If so, your logo, company details and link to your site could be here!

If you are based in in South Gloucestershire or offer a product or service which could help existing local businesses and start-ups, we would love you to help you reach them. Our aim is to increase the chances of every new business's success by highlighting the help that is available in the area.

You are able to add a free listing or act as our recommended local partner for only £10 per year!

Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

Free startup guide

Start Your Own Business in South Gloucestershire

Download the 2024 edition of our Free guide

An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered with links to useful articles and relevant contacts.

The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?

However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don't become one of them.

This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English and points to where you can find help and support.

More Information and instant download

South Gloucestershire Business Advisors

Start and Grow Enterprise (SaGE)
Whether you have a big idea to get off the ground, an existing business which is facing some new hurdles, or youve decided its finally time to be your own boss; you are now part of the self-employment revolution.The roads going to be rocky, but journeys are always easier with the right people around you. Every entrepreneur, freelancer and small business owner goes through the same set of challenges, and since 2017 weve helped over 700 of them to come out on top. All of our training, courses, advice and resources are free of charge. Start and Grow Enterprise is devoted to helping Gloucestershire continue its reputation of self-starting innovation and invention, by making it easy to get the right support.
UK Research & Innovation
We invest in research and innovation to enrich lives, drive economic growth, and create jobs and high-quality public services across the UK. We are transforming tomorrow together.
Cool Ventures
Take advantage of funded business advice and support available to businesses and residents based in South Gloucestershire. The South Gloucestershire Business Support Service is a publicly funded program that forms part of Universal Business Support a West of England Combined Authority initiative, delivered in partnership with South Gloucestershire Council.
West of England Growth Hub
The West of England Combined Authoritys dedicated business support service, the West of England Growth Hub, provides small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) with tailored one-to-one advice and access to finance, support programmes and expert guidance. We combine all national and local business support in one place and bring together the best public and private sector partners and suppliers so its easy for you to find what you need. And our friendly team of dedicated Enterprise Advisors are on standby to answer your queries and facilitate your needs. We offer the same level of free, impartial support to businesses from all sectors. No matter what stage your business is at, or how small, well help you achieve your ambitions with tailored advice and guidance.
Property Search - contact us with any questions or queries you have, whether youre starting a business or thinking of expanding. We can help you find suitable commercial premises from a single desk to a design & build opportunity. Recruiting Staff - is your business expanding or are you thinking of locating to South Gloucestershire? We can sign-post you to our partners, who can help you find the right workforce to help your business flourish and grow. Monthly Bulletin - if you would like to be added to the inSG monthly mailing list, to be kept informed about the latest economic and business news and events affecting South Gloucestershire. For Inward Investment and business expansion related enquiries, email:
Department for Business & Trade
The Department for Business & Trade helps businesses export and grow into global markets. We also help overseas companies locate and grow in the UK. Our services are provided in over 100 markets throughout the world. We are passionate about what we do. Thats why we constantly review our services in light of customer feedback and the impact they offer, which means theyll vary from time to time.
MD2MD provides Leadership Development with a difference. MD2MD members build confidence and competence learning from and with other leaders with real university of life experience. MD2MD members cannot afford long periods out of the office so we meet for one day each month. In addition to being more manageable,this more effective in applying Kaizen (continuous improvement) principles to learning. Improving our business one step at a time month after month ultimately delivers radical performance improvement.
gfirst LEP - Starting your own business?
With free support for entrepreneurs with big ideas, youre in the best place possible if you want to start your own business The Growth Hub provides fully funded personalised support for businesses at all stages of growth. Plus, with excellent higher education facilities, youve got everything you need to become the next big thing.
Prowess- Women in Business
Prowess is the online hub for women-friendly business support, inspiration and information. Our vision is an environment where women in business can flourish. Be inspired Prowess is full of stories and shared experiences from women who’ve made their own way in business. Everyone has a story to tell. And women who are thinking of starting a business – and those looking to grow – say there aren’t enough stories of real women in business out there. In our recent survey 43% said they wanted to read more experiences and case studies from ‘real’ women in business! Read them here, or submit your own here.
South Gloucestershire Council - Business Services
The South Gloucestershire Council's website contains a section dedicated to advice for small businesses. If you have a small business, there is a wealth of support and advice available for you. Business finance - Bristol Enterprise Development Fund (BEDF). Chambers of commerce - the chamber of commerce is a form of business network whose goal is to further the interests of businesses in the area. Commercial and industrial premises - where to find information on commercial and industrial premises within South Gloucestershire. Equalities employment guidance - this is an online resource for busy managers and employers who want to do the right thing, and get it right first time. Starting up a business - find out more about starting a business or accessing and downloading support. Tourism businesses - information for businesses in the tourism sector.
CMC Partnership
We are a firm of business advisers who specialise in helping you, as a business owner-manager, to plan and prepare for every stage of your businesss life cycle, from its start up and early growth to your eventual exit.

Local help for startups

There is plenty of help for startups in South Gloucestershire but where can it be found?

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