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How's Your Business Mindset?

A mental health check-in for start-ups and entrepreneurs

It’s important to keep a check on your mindset to ensure you keep that motivation going.

A healthy mindset is key to healthy performance

A mindset check-in benefits sole traders and employers alike. Whether you’re an established business or a start-up, it’s important not to ignore the mindset check-in.
It allows you to:

• Assess the current mental health of yourself and others around you
• Help identify any challenges that are becoming stressors
• Identifies areas for improvement
• Improves productivity
• Creates a positive workplace.

Using check-in questions is an easy way to make sure you remain positive about the work you are doing, and don’t lose focus on your mental health. Sometimes we can lose ourselves in pushing for the next goal and forget that self-care should also be on the to-do list!

Here are a few example check-in questions you could ask yourself, or indeed partners, colleagues or networking connections, to assist in maintaining a healthy mindset:

• How would you describe your current mindset?
• What has been weighing on your mind recently?
• If there was one thing that could improve your mindset, what would it be?
• Have you noticed any hesitation or fear concerned with actioning your plans?
• When was the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone?

How did it feel?

If you have a team of workers or colleagues around you, a quick mindset check-in can help fuel positive conversations and even goal setting during planning sessions. It also shows that you operate with a focus on wellbeing, an attractive quality to employees.

If you are a sole trader, it helps keep you from losing yourself and perhaps gives you something to ask about during mentor, coaching or open networking sessions.

How to improve your business mindset

There are lots of ways to improve your mindset: practices such as positive self-talk, celebrating success, not dwelling on failures longer than necessary, using affirmations, surrounding yourself with positive people, revisiting your goals to ensure they are SMART, reframing situations to the positive…

All of these practices are effective ways to adopt a growth mindset. Sometimes it takes a little time, but investing in a healthy mindset will always pay dividends.

Mike Foster
The Entreprenurs Mentor

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