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How To Successfully Work From Home

While many business owners already work from home, for many, this is a new experience. Whether you are already fully embedded or just getting used to the idea, here is a list of 20 top tips that should help make the experience more enjoyable and more productive.

1) Chose a dedicated space to work

Commit to working in this space every day. Be sure your workspace is quiet so you can focus on the task at hand.

2) Make sure that you have the required technology

Desktop, laptop, tablet, or remote phone system, high speed broadband, wi-fi. Additional hardware and/or software may also be required.

3) Make sure that your furniture is comfortable

Your workspace should be both practical and comfortable if you are going to look forward to spending time ‘at work’.

4) Set working hours

Believe it or not, it is far easier to work too many hours rather than too few when you are home based.

5) Consider others

Don’t let work disrupt family/home life but do ask for your working hours to be respected.

6) When are you at your best?

Are you are a lark or a night owl? Where possible, plan your working hours around the periods when you are most productive.

7) Plan your day

This should not be a new task but does become far more important when you are home based

8) Dress for work

You will get more done and this will also help to differentiate between work and leisure time.

9) Don’t work in the lounge or bedroom (if possible)

Not only are there too many potential distractions, it blurs the lines between work/relaxation and could prevents others from using those rooms

10) Develop a routine

Make sure that you not only allow enough time to get your work done but also to have breaks. None of us are able to perform at maximum efficiency all day.

11) Exercise

Sitting behind a computer or working on the phone for long spells means that your body is not moving as much as it should. Build periods of exercise or, at very least, stretching into your routine.

12) Eat healthily

Avoid the temptation to snack and/or grab the easiest (and usually least healthy) foods to eat.

13) Manage your time

Allocate time to tasks and keep an eye on the clock. They are some very good time management apps that will keep you on track.

14) Limit your time on social media

Social media is a well known time-grabber. Make sure that you don’t fall under its spell.

15) Switch off alerts

Switch off social media, and e-mail alerts both on your computer and phone. It is hard to do your best work if you are constantly interrupted by messages.

16) Video chat

One sector which has benefitted from the crisis is online communication. We can benefit too! There are distinct cost and time saving to be made by communicating via apps such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

17) Keep in touch

There is no denying that working from home can be quite isolating. All the more reason to keep in touch with colleagues, customers, and business connections. Much networking is now being done online as well.

18) Get outside
Sunshine and fresh air really do help with your general health, mood and productivity.

19) Motivation

Give yourself incentives to keep on going.

20) Positive thinking

Always look on the bright side of life!

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