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Free Survival Budget Planner

How much do you really need to pay your bills while your business takes shape? This free budget planner can be downloaded immediately and without registration

Running your own business is challenging at the best of times the task gets a whole lot harder if you are constantly worrying about whether you can afford to pay your domestic bills.

Lack of money is stressful and could be detrimental to your health but the need for immmediate income can also lead to making the wrong decisions.

You can take a whole lot of pressure of yourself if you work out exactly how much you need each week/month/year to SURVIVE. This means having sufficient income to pay for the roof over your head, utilities, food, a certain amount of entertaining, but also a contingency for unexpected costs.

This free planner is designed to remind you of all the items that need to be considered and will give you a total minimum figure that your business will need to be able to provide to ensure that you can keep head above water.

Note: Although the idea is work out how little you can get away with, this should not be seen as a cap nor is it intended to lower aspirations or limit your ambition.

Free Business Survival Budget Template

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Completely free of charge

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