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Business Advice - What Help Is Available?

Running your own business is the same as any other career: the more you know, the greater the chance of your success. Thankfully, there is plenty of help and guidance around, and much of it is free!

Business Advice - your options.

Running your own business is the same as any other career: the more you know, the greater the chance of your success. Thankfully, there is plenty of help and guidance around, and much of it is free!

Business Support Organisations
There are a number of government funded and privately operated agencies who would love to help you on your way. See your local Business Advice section for a list of organisations who may be able to help

Business Training Courses
Your local Enterprise Agency and Business Link provider will almost certainly hold regular events and training courses.

Adult Education Classes.
Adult education in the UK is on the increase. In recent years, the number of students enrolled in further education increased by 37 percent, to, almost 4.2 million. To find out what courses are available near you, ask your local schools and colleges for a prospectus.

Business Exhibitions/Seminars
If you can spare the time away from your business, attending relevant exhibitions is a very effective method of learning. In addition to the collection of stands (which may provide ideas, potential suppliers or customers) there are generally plenty of free seminars.
Business Start Up Exhibition (
Growing Your Own Business (
Business South (

Can help you create a structured programme of learning, to suit your goals and objectives, they can also see if funding is available. Call 0800 101 901 to find out more. Or, if youre looking to top up existing skills with an online course, and learn independently, you can get started straight away.

Networking allows you to meet other business owners, who may well have stories to tell that will help you develop your own enterprise. There is often the opportunity to for speakers to share their expertise. See our networking section for more hints and tips.

Open University
Want to study in your own time, in your own home or workplace? Then the Open University is for you. You scan choose a course from one of the 580 on offer. Each course you take earns points towards a qualification such as a degree, a diploma or a certificate. Most courses have no entry requirements.

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