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Together For Liverpool For Good

Together For Liverpool For Good

Is there a need in your community that nobody is solving? Maybe it’s time to do it yourself. Then again, maybe it isn’t… There are lots of questions to answer before deciding to set up a new organisation. What’s the best legal structure? Which structure can get what funding? Why do people keep talking about constitutions? At LCVS, we provide training, advice and support to launch your new organisation. We can help you with: Proving the need for your organisation – to yourself and to your funders Choosing the right legal structure, draft legal documents, and liaise with relevant statutory agencies Business planning – developing your business case and/or strategic plan Identifying and applying for appropriate start-up funding Advice on appropriate systems, policies and procedures to ensure legal compliance and good governance Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services 151 Dale Street Liverpool L2 2AH Call Us: 0151 227 5177

Areas Covered: Liverpool


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