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The Art Of Communication

The Art of Communication

Today we live in a brand conscious world and it is more important than ever to make a good and lasting impression. We all make split second assumptions based on conditioned perceptions and these influence how we see things and respond to them, often on a subconscious level. Your business gets just one chance to create a first impression and of course you want it to be a good one. If your logo looks amateurish or your branding confused why would a potential customer assume that you run your business any differently? First impressions count and affect the response of your potential customers. Branding is all about influencing choice! I work to create a brand with the right visual representation of your vision and who you are as a company and with the brand applications very much taken into account so that your logo will work across all mediums. I work with two main clients — SME businesses that need a brand strategy, rebrand or refresh, and start-up businesses.

Areas Covered: Southampton

Telephone number: 01489 481906


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