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Newman & Co

Newman & Co

Starting up a business can seem a daunting and lonely task. There are substantial risks involved when moving away from the security of employment to become a business owner. We specialise in assisting owner-managed businesses take that leap and work closely with them ensuring that their legal, financial and statutory obligations are covered, allowing them to concentrate on utilising their own skills to their full potential and growing the business. Whatever the size or activity of your business we can provide advice on: * Business form - including sole-trader, partnership, company, charity; * Statutory obligations - including company formation and set-up and dealing with HM Revenue & Customs; * Preparation of business plans, budgets and cash-flow forecasts; * Sourcing and arranging finance; * Maintenance of your records and implementing internal procedures; * Tax planning If you are thinking about starting a business, arrange an appointment with us at the very beginning of your venture to ensure that you receive good advice and proceed in the best manner, avoiding unnecessary pitfalls in the future.

Areas Covered: Suffolk

Telephone number: 01379 640640


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