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Let's Do Business Group

Let's Do Business Group

Our business support service is tailored to meet small-to-medium sized businesses needs. Our support includes, but is not limited to: Strategic planning All good businesses have a plan we can help you shape yours by understanding your objectives and then working with you to plan the steps you need to take to be successful. Finance and risk Our advisory team includes finance specialists who will identify finance solutions to support your cash flow as well as helping you to invest in new opportunities to grow your business. Marketing When youve built a brand your customers will love, the next step is getting it to them. We can help you to build a new marketing strategy to raise your business profile and generate new leads. Workplace operations We can work with you to identify the best operating environment including finding or relocating premises, staff management and your stock and supply chain. Get in touch or call 0844 415 2272 (Calls cost 5p/min plus your phone company's access charge. If your mobile tariff allows free calls to landlines, you can call 01424 205 500.) Email Start up support If you've got your business idea but don't know where to take it next, we offer support that can help you learn the skills you need to succeed. How can we help your business to #StartUp? - Access our fully funded start up workshops - A free online session with one of our specialist business advisers - A free online session with one of our finance & funding experts - Free advice on finding premises in East Sussex - A free advice session from an approved accountant and an approved solicitor - Preferential rates for new businesses moving into Newhaven Enterprise Centre - Access to business information fact sheets - Support to apply for a Start Up Loan Get in touch or call 0844 415 2272 (Calls cost 5p/min plus your phone company's access charge. If your mobile tariff allows free calls to landlines, you can call 01424 205 500.) Email

Areas Covered: East Sussex

Telephone number: 0844 415 2272 or 01424 205 500


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