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Dorset Growth Hub

Dorset Growth Hub

WSX Enterprise has worked in partnership to secure a 3 year business support programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The core services of the existing Dorset Growth Hub (funded by the DLEP through BEIS) will be at the heart of this delivery, providing the web platform, telephone advice service and initial diagnostic (this local information is supplemented with links to content on external sites such as www. ) Additional support on offer will be provided through dedicated strands of activity including: pre-start and start-up support; supporting growth; improving digital capabilities; accessing finance, and mentoring. The Enterprise strand is a dedicated team to help pre-start and young businesses with a range of interventions including short workshops and more in depth courses as well as one-to-one support from an Enterprise Specialist. The programme is led by WSX Enterprise and the Dorset Growth Hub with a range of support partners. To access support contact #talktotony on 03454 586480 or visit

Areas Covered: Dorset

Telephone number: 03454 586480


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