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Avalon Management Solutions

Avalon Management Solutions

So why do YOU need Help from Avalon? If you run, or are thinking of setting up, an SME (or small business) - then you may be in for a shock. Things have changed. There was a time when all you needed was a good idea, a yellow pages advert and a phone number and you were set. Not any more. The business world has changed dramatically over the past 20 years, even more so in recent times due to the recession. Whilst a few local businesss have gone global, a huge number of well known and less-well know retailers, manufacturers & suppliers have all failed, taking dreams, jobs and expertise with them. There is no quick and easy solution. You need to be better than the competition and have skills in marketing, IT, customer service, management & finance as well as a great idea in the first place! A large percentage of small businesss fail in years one to five because the senior management do not have some, or any, of the above skills. So rather than waste time, effort, blood sweat and tears - why not acquire the skills you need from day one? Avalon can offer you: 10 Years experience as an SME Managing Director & Company Owner Certified with both BA Hons Business Studies & Qualifications in Business & Finance Specialise in Digital Marketing, IT, & Business Troubleshooting. Past Current member of BNI, Which Trusted, The EC & Web. Many additional years experience in customer service management Specialties SME Troubleshooting, SME IT Analysis, Digital Marketing for SMEs, Loan for start-up companies (under 12 months), Dead stock disposal, Cost reduction services, Virtual Back Office functionality, Process Improvement, Small business help, Covering the UK

Areas Covered: Hemel Hempstead

Telephone number: 1582831533


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