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Could A Professional Writer Help Your Business?

To be successful as a small business you need to persuade your potential customers to buy your products or services and this can only be achieved if you give them all of the information they need to make an informed decision.

There are many ways you can market your business to customers both online and offline. For example, effective online marketing includes a business website, social media posts, blogging and content marketing, emails, newsletters, videos, podcasts etc..

There are many ways you can market your business to customers both online and offline. For example, effective online marketing includes a business website, social media posts, blogging and content marketing, emails, newsletters, videos, podcasts etc..

Offline marketing has been around much longer than online marketing and includes traditional printed materials (flyers, business cards, brochures, direct mail etc.) together with additional incentives such as free or reduced-price introductory offers or promotional merchandise - these could be anything from stickers and pens to branded bags and clothing.

However, the one thing that is needed to be successful with any of these methods is the ability to communicate your message effectively. And, good communication requires good writing skills. For example, websites or promotional materials which are badly written and poorly presented, do not inspire confidence and can reflect badly on a business.

Content is king

Many people will be familiar with the phrase “content is king”, but not everybody may know that it was actually coined by Bill Gates (the founder of Microsoft) back in 1996. However, it is no less relevant today.

The words you use to promote your company whether it’s on the side of a pen, or the words you use to describe your products or services or keeping your customers up-to-date with the latest news, words can have a positive and powerful effect on the way your customers perceive your business. On the other hand, poorly written content, the use of confusing jargon or careless typos can have a negative effect on your business. Bad writing, both online and offline, is a reflection of the overall quality of a business and so it pays to get this right.

Because many small business owners often don’t have the time or expertise to do their own writing, one option is to use the services of a professional writer. A search online will reveal a variety of professional writing services, some of which are aimed at larger organisations with a generous budget - this is typically reflected in the prices they can charge for their services and the size of the jobs they are prepared to take on.

The Write Choice

However, for small businesses with limited resources, this may not be an option and so at The Write Choice I aim to provide a very competitively-priced service for any size or type of job. I am also happy to work on an occasional or regular basis.

I have been a business, technical and content writer and editor for many years and I have worked for a wide range of clients from small local businesses to multi-national corporations but I am now concentrating on local start-ups and existing small businesses.

I believe that customers need to know how products and services can benefit them rather than over-the-top sales talk or unnecessary self-promotion and so I specialise in writing clear, concise, engaging and accessible content. If you think I could be of any help please do get in contact with me so as I can learn more about your business and what message you want to get out there.

Author: Christine Lightfoot Founder of The Write Choice

Christine Lightfoot
The Write Choice

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