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10 Reasons Why Hiring A Virtual Assistant Could Help You!

Are you often feeling burnt out; unmotivated to complete the admin; always busy?

Are you often feeling burnt out; unmotivated to complete the admin; always busy?
Owning a business is great because it means you’re your own boss and you can be selective about the work that you want to do. But, it does mean you have to wear multiple hats and often spend time on repetitive tasks that are less exciting, but key to keeping a business running such as monthly invoicing, website updates, responding to customer enquiries etc.
You know you need help, but have you ever considered hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA)? If you need a little more convincing, here are 10 reasons to hire a virtual assistant:

1. TIME: a VA will free up your time to focus on the things you want to do. Whether that be taking on more projects at work; taking back time to go to the gym or spend it with the kids.

2. FOCUS: a VA can take on the tasks that don’t excite you, allowing you to be your full creative self and invest time in why you set up the business in the first place.

3. REMOTE: a VA can work remotely, meaning you can access the best talent regardless of where they are located. Open up that talent pool!

4. COST EFFECTIVE: a full-time PA can be expensive. A VA can work a set number of hours or days a month to suit your budget and business needs. You won’t need to provide office space or equipment for a VA as they will already have their own set up to work remotely thus saving you immediate set up costs.

5. GROW: a VA has already taken the routine administrative tasks off you so you can focus on what does generate income for your business. But another time-costly task is building your online presence. A VA can update and maintain your website and social media channels - scheduling posts so you don’t have to.

6. EFFICIENCY: VAs have many time-saving hacks and ways of automating tasks to make your operation run more smoothly.

7. SOUNDBOARD: it can be hard to develop ideas sat in a room by yourself. VAs will have a wealth of experience and can help you brainstorm your next business idea or event. Have a chat with them, they’ll help you past that stumbling block!

8. KNOWLEDGE: remember that VAs run their own businesses too, so completely understand the challenges you face. They will have a broad range of skills to bring to the table, offering something that you are likely missing from your own skillset.

9. FLEXIBILITY: a VA will be very good at managing their own time. They can work around you and your schedule, offering flexible packages (either as time blocks or as projects). As a small business, things will change and a VA has the capacity to flex when you need.

10. PEACE OF MIND: a VA will regularly check in with you to update you on the progress of tasks/projects; they can also remind you of upcoming deadlines to keep you on schedule so that you CAN make it to that class in the evening.

If you connect with any of these, then a VA is probably for you. Let me help you level up your business. You can contact me via my website or drop me an email at

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Ilona McKie
Ilona McKie VA

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